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Design Technology

Design Technology

The Design and Technology Department offers many additional opportunities to pursue Design and Making interests beyond the curriculum lessons.

Primary School

Our Primary School DT department encourages students to continue practising their new skills in lots of creative environments. 


In cooking, Licence to Cook involves taking lessons home for the whole family to enjoy creating tasty meals together. House Points are awarded for effort. 

Junior Masterchef is an annual event which sees students compete for this coveted trophy with some fabulous creations, the winners are selected by professional chefs from the local community.

primary students doing dt

Upcycle competition

We have been very impressed with the annual Upcycle competition, with students creating cat toys from cardboard, lampshades from old CDs and bird feeders to encourage wildlife - all from items which would have otherwise been thrown away.


Senior School


F1 in Schools is an exciting competition that is offered to KS3 students. Many older students offer their time to help the younger students in designing their cars on Fusion 360 Computer-Aided Design Software, and assist them in the workshop with the manufacturing process. Competition is a help to showcase the team that can design and make the fastest car.

The Production Club is offered as an ECA offered to all year groups to help design and manufacture the Set and Props for school productions. Students utilise the Computer-Aided Manufacture facilities and workshop equipment to produce realistic props for any upcoming performances.

girl stood in workshop

KS4 & KS5

A Digital Design and Marketing Club is offered to students in KS4 and KS5, the students work with the St Chris Marketing Department on real projects and present their ideas for branding and social media posts. GCSE students regularly offer their time to help manufacture products for cross-curricular projects across the whole school.

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