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Learning Support

Learning Support

St Christopher’s Learning Support (LS) Department aims to make a sizeable contribution to the lives of children who face challenges along their learning path. It is a combination of rigour and empathy which drives the teaching and learning in LS. We recognise that children who attend LS contribute a great deal in many ways to the diversity of our school community and we are proud when we are able to see them flourish.

What do we offer at St Chris?

The Learning Support Department is set in a modern suite and staffed by a dedicated team of specialist teachers and learning support assistants who deliver a range of support. This support includes: in-class support, small group teaching, and short one-to-one sessions as needed. During our withdrawal groups, students develop the skills and attitudes to allow them to access the curriculum with greater success and independence.

St Christopher’s LS Department operates an ‘open door’ policy for all students and staff alike, and welcomes parents to drop in before school for a quick chat or by appointment.

Students are provided with the opportunity to develop transferable skills and strategies to take into other learning contexts. Students are aware of their own targets and are encouraged to take risks alongside a supportive adult.

Regular coffee afternoons allow staff, students and parents to share learning experiences and the end of year LS Awards ceremony and party offer the perfect opportunity to celebrate everyone’s personal achievements.

We have a  targeted and inclusive approach to learning support and we pride ourselves in our flexible and friendly approach. We work closely with the school Counselling, Head of Department and Head of Year teams to provide a fully integrated service in our Senior School.

Assessments and Tracking

We can assess basic skills and background learning skills here in the school and can also advise regarding exam (access) arrangements. Early intervention and tracking procedures enable each student’s needs to be met. By matching the teaching programme to each individual, the provision is aimed at taking students on the fastest track to success.

Learning Support Team

Our learning support team is made up of an educational psychologist, specialist learning support teacher and a small team of learning support assistants. The LS Team work closely with the school Counsellors to further support both students and parents where appropriate.

It is important to note that we normally expect students to learn in class without individual 1 to 1 support and that our main focus is on strategy advice to students and teachers.


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