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Infant School Life

Infant School Life

Every week there is something exciting happening in the School: from Victorian Day to Global Citizen Day, from Pirate Week to a visit to the Wildlife Park, all contributing to making our school a very special place in which to learn.

We are fortunate to have World Class facilities in which to learn and play and our strive for continuous improvement means that we are always looking at ways of improving the learning experience for the children, whether through the implementation of innovative teaching methods or the enhancement of our physical resources.

Infant School Council

Our Infant School Council at St Christopher’s is a forum for all pupils to have a voice. For this reason every child has their say in electing their representatives. To encourage children to vote fairly, we ensure that the pupils understand why they are voting and what qualities are required in an effective representative. Our Infant School Council is made up of one boy and one girl from each Year 2 class.

The Infant School Council work very hard to represent the views and opinions of the Infant children. They meet regularly and undertake termly projects to help make the school better for everyone. Recent projects have included creating a map to help new children find their way around the school and a buddy badge programme so that everyone in the playground will have a friend.

Class representatives have an opportunity to report back to their class soon after the School Council meeting. This ensures that issues dealt with at the meeting are still fresh in the minds of the representatives. Representatives also have the opportunity to visit all other Infant School classes in order to give feedback and collate ideas.


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