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Welcome to St Christopher's Bahrain Parents' page. Here you'll find everything a St Christopher's Parent needs in one place.

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Parent Teacher Organisation

The aim of our PTO is to contribute to the building and enhancement of St Chris community life. Historically, this organisation has organised the, very popular, Festive Fayre as well as many other community events throughout the year, as well as many in-school activities such as the School Productions, Bahrain Day and other annual festivities in the Primary and Senior Schools. 

Another very important focus of the PTO is to assist with fundraising. As a not-for-profit school, support for St Chris events from local businesses allows us to go above and beyond our normal scope, enhancing school life for our students. There are many ways you can get involved; either in a leadership role; as a PTO Committee member or as a casual volunteer on a project basis. Your commitment of time is completely determined by your own availability. We appreciate that many parents work full-time and we are keen that all parents have the opportunity to get involved in some capacity - big or small.

The PTO is fundamental to a cohesive and thriving school community and we hope that many of you will choose to join us. If you would like to be part of our PTO, please complete the following Google Form to receive further information: https://bit.ly/3Rimmeq. If you have any questions or wish to speak to a member of the PTO, please contact [email protected].

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