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St Christopher’s School has long recognised the contribution of PE and competitive sport to the health and wellbeing of its pupils. We also acknowledge that a broad, balanced, high-quality curriculum and extra-curricular activities have a positive impact on concentration, attitude and achievement.

Primary School PE

All children in Years 5 and 6, irrespective of their particular sporting talents, are encouraged to represent the School in friendly competitions and fixtures on a regular basis. Each term we run approximately 12 regular school teams and pupils can try out a number of different activities through our extensive ECAs programme.

boys playing sports

St Christopher’s School has an unrivalled record in local sports competitions through the Bahrain Schools Primary League and events in the Gulf region through British Schools of the Middle East (BSME).

Our dedicated PE specialist teachers are committed to providing top-quality sports coaching for all our pupils and hold coaching qualifications in a variety of sports.

Senior School PE

In the Senior School, we offer a vibrant and exciting PE programme from Year 7 to Year 13. Our philosophy is to ensure that all students gain an appreciation of sport and share a common understanding of how physical activity can promote a healthy lifestyle. The extensive extra-curricular programme provides students with a platform to develop and improve in their specialist areas. St Christopher’s School Sport has worked hard to achieve an excellent sporting reputation on a national and international level. 

House Sports Events

We have a thriving House structure, with the main aim being to encourage as many students as possible to represent their Houses in sports competitions. We hold our Inter-House Swimming Gala at the Isa Town pool with over 300 students from Years 7 to13 taking part. Our Sports Day takes place at the Shaikh Khalifa Stadium in Isa Town, which is a superb facility for our students to perform and excel. We have some amazing school records in both Swimming and Athletics events, which is always one of the main aims of the competitors. Finally, we host a House Sports Week, which involves competitions in Basketball, Volleyball, Water Polo, Netball and Badminton. 

National Level Competitions

On a national level, our students are very active in the Bahrain Schools Sports League. This offers opportunities for students to take part in competitive sport in 3 age groups; Under-13, Under-15 and Under-19. This involves league competitions and tournaments throughout the year. We enter teams in Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Badminton, Tennis, Athletics, Cross Country, Swimming, Table Tennis, Netball, Handball, Golf and Rounders. Each year, we enter well over 60 teams in local sporting competitions and St Christopher’s students are not only extremely  successful, all our students display the highest standards of sporting behaviour.     

International Level Competitions

We are extremely proud of our students' involvement on the international stage. St Christopher’s participates in international sports events throughout the Middle East; the  BSME (British Schools in the Middle East) hosts many international tournaments throughout the year. We take an active part in the Under-13, Under-15 and Under-19 BSME Games. As well as the BSME Games, we also take part in international tournaments in Netball, Football, Basketball Volleyball, Golf and Swimming. Our teams have been extremely successful in all these events, winning many of these games. We are currently the Under-15 BSME Champions.

We also try to develop links with many local and national sports organisations in Bahrain, UK and the USA to ensure that many of our students are able to fully develop their sporting talent. Many students have represented their country at international sport and some have gained scholarships in the US to further develop their sporting talent.


girls playing vollyball

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