Little Chris is an exciting programme of sessions for toddlers and babies to attend with their parents and carers. It is for families from across the island, not just for existing St Chris families. Little Chris has been set up to provide a friendly, welcoming place to meet other parents and support the development of their baby / toddler.
Our sessions are run by current St Chris practitioners, who are experienced in this field. We have our librarians, Arabic, music and sports staff teaching within the programme and this is proving to be very attractive to families.
Each of our sessions has a learning focus and these include sessions focused on physical development, creativity, musical skills, sensory exploration, story telling, communication and language development, and immersion in Arabic.
We welcome bookings from all members of the community, from all over the island. You do not need to have children at St Christopher’s School to attend - all families are welcome! Each session is BD5 per child and any siblings are free; for example a parent, a carer, a child under 3 and their younger sibling would all be welcome as one family group and would only pay BD5.
Please book using the following link :
Little Chris Registration Form (20 January 2025 - 24 March 2025)
Little Chris Registration Form (13 April 2025 - 23 June 2025)
Take a look at our Instagram page for more information: @LittleChrisBh
We look forward to seeing you there!
Session Timetable:
8:30 - 9:30 | 10:30 - 11:30 | |||
Sunday | Messy Madness | |||
Monday | Music & Movement | |||
Tuesday | ||||
Wednesday | ||||
Thursday | Wiggles & Giggles |
We hope that you thoroughly enjoy attending our Little Chris sessions.
Please take a moment to complete this short feedback form, so that we can continue to improve your experience:
For Little World Changers From Across the Kingdom