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The school has deeply committed highly qualified staff with wide-ranging experience of teaching in the British style of education. Schools, of course, also rely on their well-being and effectiveness on support staff.

St Christopher’s has dedicated groups of people working directly with teachers - for example as classroom assistants, technicians and librarians and in all areas of the School’s wider operation: admissions, finance, human resources, maintenance, secretarial, reprographics, security and so on.

Executive Leadership Team

St Christopher’s operates under the direction of its Principal. Reporting to the Principal are three Headteachers – each of whom takes care of one of the three constituent parts of St Christopher’s – Infants, Juniors and Seniors, as well as the Director of Learning and Director of Finance & Operations.  Together they form the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).

The ELT meet regularly to ensure a seamless education with common values and practices. The ELT also develops the strategies, tactics and policies needed to ensure that St Christopher’s does not ‘rest on its laurels’, but develops higher and higher standards. It is a forward-looking team, dedicated to ensuring that St Chris continues its restless drive for excellence in all that it does.

Simon Watson
Simon Watson
Nat Dickinson

Nat Dickinson

Head of Infant School

Nat Dickinson

Ian Fellows

Head of Junior School

Nick Wilson

Yasmine Dannawy

Head of Senior School

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